The Yale, Vancouver
6 & 7'th of March 2010
Biljard, bluesbands and I didn't fit in, but got a lot of praises, still.
Mostly for My Girl, a song that leaves nobody untouched.
Should have brought my bluesguitar...
Blue Moon, Seattle
21'th and 24'th of March, 2010
A historicle and famous old legendary bar or tavern Blue Moon;
Where Curt Cobain did his first gigs, Jimi Hendrix grew up in
this neighbourhood and Kerouac, were said to hang here.
"The tavern's reputation among the avant garde was
secured by the frequent patronage of poets Theodore Roethke,
Richard Hugo, Carolyn Kizer, and Stanley Kunitz, among others.
Dylan Thomas, James Farrell, and Allen Ginzberg
visited when passing through Seattle"
I got to play there thanks tomy couchsurfing friend Eric Anderson.
A very speciagig indeed, thanks Eric!Ni Muser, Trondheim, Norway
January 2010
The late concert
The opening
Playing at StigArne Wara's exhibition, with my favorite boys
Nils and Marcelius, was a special treat.
A very special audience, the acoustic and the enviromento of SA's enchanting paintings!
Storsjöteatern & Kafé Klaver, Stockholm
February 2010
A small, wonderful café, the best little stage
in Stockholm, I would say!
A nice series of concerts with Joel, a nice bassplayer and Natta, with a
wonderful voice, I would love to work more with her!
In my hometown, Trondheim
With the best swedish songwriter and voice (private gig)
My darling Steinberger guitarMy award price
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